Price & Cost of Cars, Property (Houses), Gold Coins, Food and Other Consumer Goods in Iran

Here we are gathering combination of different type and also kind of goods sold in Iran (cost of living in Tehran, Iran), our prices are in USD only.

Currently we are showcasing Price of Cars in Iran, Price of Imported Cars in Iran, Price List of Cars Manufactured in Iran (Iranian Cars Price List), Iranian rial (toman) (IRR) exchanges rates, Iranian Gold Coins (Bahar Azadi) Price Property Price in Iran, cost of rent of apartments and houses in Tehran, cost of living such as Grocery needs “Meats, Fruits and so on.

We make sure to bring the latest prices on goods and house price in Iran, we do know that house prices are price in square meter, we also did put up most of the neighborhood in Tehran, Iran to give you a rough idea of how property and housing priced in Iran.

Car Price list in Iran are also update regularly so you will have a price range since there are not so many authorized car dealers in Iran  prices are vary so we price them from cheapest available in the market to most expensive ones. please do take a note sometimes cars come with different option and classes so this also includes within this range for all imported cars in Iran.

Regarding pricing of gold coins and Iranian rial exchange rate we did include a latest as  soon as there are changed.
The reason behind this website is to showcase prices of goods sold in Tehran, Iran to foreigner and also those Iranian who lived aboard.

If you would like to see prices and other cost in other currencies please use the live exchange rate calculator to have a latest and and also more accurate prices in your currencies.

If you have any comments or question please do not hesitate to send us an email or contact us via our contact form.

Last updated: April 15 2015